March 13, 1862: Simon Cameron Explains His Resignation

 AMs 527-8-1 p1 Simon Cameron to AT Goodman AMs 527-8-1 p2 Simon Cameron to AT Goodman



13 March 1862

Dear Sir

Your letter of 8th inst. containing mentions of the “First City Union Associations” approving my administration of the War Dept has been received.

I beg you will say to the Gentlemen composing the Association, who have thus honored me, that I am greatly gratified by their compliment. The approbation of good men is the highest reward that can be given to a public servant; and I am thus more than paid for any toil I may have undergone.

I never had any wish for public Nation. Although I was elected to the U.S. Senate, I never held any other public office of honor or profit and I departed from my long fixed way of accepting none to go into the War Department, only when it seemed to me I must do so, or suffer dishonor. When our mighty army was prepared for the field, my mission was ended and I accepted gladly the first opportunity offered when I could leave it with credit, without embarrassing the President, and in the hands of a successor in whose ability and principles I hold confidence.

Very truly yours

Simon Cameron


Citation: Simon Cameron (1799-1889) autograph letter signed to A.T. Goodman. Lockiel, 13 March 1862. AMs 527/8.1

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