January 28, 1864: The World

World 1-28-64 copy

Transcript (excerpt):

Review of the Week.

The War.

The quiet which has prevailed all along the front has finally been broken in a degree in Tennessee and Virginia, although up to the date of this writing no news of important movements has been received.


On Saturday information was received from East Tennessee to the effect that Gen. Longstreet had been reinforced with 20,000 men and was advancing on Knoxville, pushing Gen. Granger’s forces before him. It was said that Morgan was about to move at the head of 5,000 cavalry to cut off communication between Knoxville and Chattanooga, or to make a raid into Kentucky. Later dispatches deny that Longstreet had made an advance. Rumors, however, of the activity of the rebels in East Tennessee prevail. A dispatch from Louisville, Ky., states that the city is filled with reports of an intended rebel raid into Kentucky, which is to be made simultaneously at three different points.


Recently Brigadier-General Graham, with three armed transports and a competent force, went up the James river, made a landing at a point known as the Brandon Farms, seven miles below Fort Powhatan, and captured twenty-two of the enemy – seven of the signal corps – and brought away ninety-nine negroes. They also destroyed twenty-four thousands pounds of pork and large quantities of oats and corn, and captured a sloop and schooner and two hundred and forty boxes of tobacco, and five Jews, preparing to run the blockade, and returned without the loss of a man.


Citation: The World (New York). New York, 28 January 1864. Gift of Steven and Susan Raab. AN .W927

January 26, 1864: Henry Warner to John Riddle Warner

Henry Warner Jr. was the younger brother of John Riddle Warner, the grandfather of the poet Marianne Moore.  Henry served in  Independent Battery G from August 1862 until June 1865.These family letters are preserved as part of the Marianne Moore family papers.

Moore VI-6-1 Henry Warner to John Riddle Warner 1-26-64


Fort Del. Jany 26/64

Dear Bro

I address you a note in care of Mr McElwer in hopes it may reach you before your lecture—I cannot go to Phila at this time—If you feel like it or rather if it will not inconvenience you I will repeat my invitation to come & see me—Take the Phila Wilmington & Balt. R.R. to New Castle Del. buy your ticket in Phila to that place—you will change cars in Wilmington—When you arrive in New Castle go to Stricklands Hotel and Mr. S will give you all information in regard to the boat—Tell the Sergt. of the Boat who you are and all will be right

Truly &c


Citation: Henry Warner Jr., autograph letter to John Riddle Warner. Fort Delaware,26 January 1864 Moore VI:6:01

January 22, 1864: New York Times


Transcript (excerpt):

Page 1, Upper Half

Clothing For Soldiers Can Be Sent By Mail

The following bill, having passed both Houses, now only awaits the President’s signature to become a law:

“Articles of clothing, being manufactured of wool, cotton or linen, and compressed in a package, not exceeding two pounds in weight, addressed to any non-commissioned officer or private serving in the armies of the United States, may be transmitted in the mails of the United States, at the rate of 8 cents to be in all cases prepaid, for every four ounces, or any fraction thereof, subject to such regulations as the Postmaster-General may prescribe.”

Citation: New York Times. 2 January 1864. Gift of Steven and Susan Raab. AN .N5682

January 19, 1964: J. L. Withrow to John Riddle Warner

Rev. John Riddle Warner was the grandfather of the poet Marianne Moore and during the Civil War, he lived in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. These letters are preserved as part of Marianne Moore’s family papers.

Moore VI-6-1 p1 JL Withrow to John Riddle Warner 1-19-64 Moore VI-6-1 p2 JL Withrow to John Riddle Warner 1-19-64 Moore VI-6-1 p3 JL Withrow to John Riddle Warner 1-19-64 Moore VI-6-1 p4 JL Withrow to John Riddle Warner 1-19-64


Abington Pa. Jan. 19th 1864

Rev John R. Warner—

Gettysburg Pa.

My dear Bro:

I notice by the Presbyterian than you are delivering lectures upon the Battle of Gettysburg as witnessed by yourself, in Mr McElwer’s Ch. Phila.

I am exceedingly anxious to have a lecture or two delivered in my church for the benefit of our Ladies aid Soc.

I graduated last spring at Princeton & accepted a call to this Pres. Ch. Of Abington succeeding good father, Dr Steel of Sainted Memory. I found the church strongly agitated upon the great questions of political party which are agitating the public. The church was upon the point of disruption. We have many strong Democrats. It was because my friends hoped that I could pacify the ch. that I declined a better call & came. My first object was to be known as an uncompromising Union Man in order to make [illeg.] square upon the record of loyalty. Then next I wished with this to allay the excitement on the minds of these Democrats. God has signally encouraged me. But it was not by shutting my mouth. I have talked & worked for the good cause. Our Ladies Aid Soc was in a dead condition. We have revived it; & by many expedients have succeeded in making some worthy contributions to the Christn Commission

The neighbouring societies have been holding Fairs until they have rather run down.

We have concluded to have a few lectures delivered.

We are only nine miles out of the city on Nth Penna RR which makes but a short ride.

Bro Warner would you consent to come up, & give us a helping hand? I see the next Lecture in Phila is published for Jan 28. If it would suit you to come on Friday the next eve out here we could have it so arranged. And if you would remain & have another Saturday even or come again as you might elect, it would be very gratifying. I do not know Brother whether we can get a very large audience. perhaps not; but then a good representation will be made, & some poor shivering soldier maybe made warm & happy in consequence—some bare heart be cheered who may go forth & stroke the final blow that will disarm rebellion & enthrone the majesty of law.

I should be exceedingly happy to hear from you at your earliest convenience. If the day I name will not suit, & another would, why please name it. I am exceedingly anxious to hear your description of those days which tried men’s Souls

Yours in the precious Savior

J.L. Withrow

Citation: J.L. Withrow, autograph letter signed to John Riddle Warner. Abington, Pa., 19 January 1864. Moore VI:6:1

January 18, 1864: Subscription Book for Facsimiles of the Emancipation Proclamation

AMS 432-28 Emancipation proclamation subscription book

Abraham Lincoln donated the original manuscript of the Emancipation proclamation to the 1863 Chicago Sanitary Fair where it was purchased by Thomas B. Bryan.  Bryan had facsimiles made and sold to benefit the Sanitary Commission and the Soldiers Home.  The item shown here is the title page for a subscription book collecting orders for the facsimile, with Abraham Lincoln and vice-president Hamlin as the first two subscribers. Lincoln received the first two lithographed copies from Bryan on January 18, 1864.

United States Sanitary Commission.Subscription book for facsimiles of the Emancipation Proclamation, [1863]. AMs 432/28

January 15, 1864: William Pitt Fessenden Writes to his Son

William Pitt Fessenden was a Republican senator from Maine who would later serve as Secretary of the Treasury from July 1864 to March 1865. In January 1864 his son Francis was colonel of the 30th Maine Veteran Infantry.

AMs 527-8-4 p1 William Pitt Fessenden to Francis Fessenden AMs 527-8-4 p2 William Pitt Fessenden to Francis Fessenden AMs 527-8-4 p3 William Pitt Fessenden to Francis Fessenden AMs 527-8-4 p4 William Pitt Fessenden to Francis Fessenden AMs 527-8-4 p5 William Pitt Fessenden to Francis Fessenden AMs 527-8-4 p6 William Pitt Fessenden to Francis Fessenden AMs 527-8-4 p7 William Pitt Fessenden to Francis Fessenden AMs 527-8-4 p8 William Pitt Fessenden to Francis Fessenden



Jany 15, 1864

My Dear Francis,

Your letter of the 12th was recd this morning. I immediately called to see General Halleck, who told me that the Genl had given an order to send all the new troops south to New Orleans, and that some of the western troops would be sent to the same destination. Genl. Banks was to be largely reinforced with a view to early & combined operations of Grant & Banks to clear the country coast of the troops &c & then have a further combined movement in the spring—that the great fighting would probably be done there—and more of Grant’s present force would probably be sent there also. He thought the campaign there could be much the most interesting one. I asked him if there were not other troops that could be sent, and he said none except which were in the Army of the Potomac, and that a substitution could involve double transportation. He said further that generally troops preferred that climate, as in the winter, spring & early summer it was much more healthy— that in fact statistics showed that the mortality was greater in the Army of the Potomac than on the Miss. He added that just now it was difficult to procure transportation to the Gulf—and perhaps something might occur to change the destination of a part—and you might be sent elsewhere. Of course, I put the case on my own personal anxiety for your health but alluded to your desire to be engaged in active operations—to this last he said, as before stated, that he thought the climate better there than here. He was very pleasant and kind, as all these people are to me.

I then asked to see Mr. Stanton, and stated the motive to him as one in which I spoke for myself, on account of my personal curiosity. He confirmed Genl. H’s statements, saying that he agreed that region as that which was to present the next active operations, and the best chance for distinction—that the new troops sent would not, probably, be on the Miss but on the high lands of Texas. in a perfectly [healthy?] country, and he should regard it as a much more pleasant and active field of operations—should prefer it for himself or a friend. I told him that you didn’t want to be wasted in small skirmishes, but desired a field in which you could win distinction. He said he thought that would be offered you much the best answer—and he should look out for that in due time. Both he & Genl H said that they hoped all the operations there would be successfully completed at an early day and the troops be moving north. I learn from other sources that Genl Grant has his forces forward, a part of which is to keep Lee sufficiently engaged to prevent his reinforcing Johnston, and in which is included a reorganization of the Army of the Potomac under Sherman or Baldy Smith.

Much of what I have written is, of course, not to be talked about, and you will use the information discreetly.


Mr. Stanton further said that he was glad I came to him as a friend, & not as Secy of War—He would, therefore, say that if I desired it, and you desired it, after understanding the whole matter, he would arrange to make a different dispatch of your Regiments—and asked me where you would like to go. I told him I didn’t know, but I supposed you were willing to go any where that the public service required. He told me I should better write you, and let you decide for yourself, and he would do the best he could to meet your wishes. His & Genl H’s opinion evidently was that the great theatre of the coming campaign was to be in the region, that the climate was more agreeable & salubrious for winter & spring, and on the whole that destination was the most desirable.

You will decide, therefore, for yourself, my dear boy, on the facts laid before you—whether you wish to have your Regiment excepted from the given order—I should wish to have you near home, where I could get at you and hate to have you go so far away. You will take into consideration what H says about the Army of the Potomac as at present organized—this I hope this will be changed—I suppose that neither Stanton nor Halleck can tell me exactly what disposition will be made of you if you go to N.O. as that would depend on circumstances. You may be in one place or another—Genl Banks & I are on good terms and I do not think you will be abused in either place or any place. The Cavalry Regt is to go too. The Artillery is coming here.

As in all such cases I leave the matter entirely to you without interposing my advice, as I do not take the responsibility for fear that should any thing befall you I should despise myself. Decide carefully & nicely, and may God watch and preserve you.

I suppose the bayou would be the most disagreeable— The worst is that if you so decide I shall not probably be able to see you before your departure. Wherever you may be, you will have a friend at Head Quarters in the Secretary.

You had better write soon, as, your Regt being full, there is not knowing when you may be called for.

I am very well—With love to you & Willy

Your father

W P Fessenden

P.S. Do not be influenced at all by any supposed wishes of mine. I really do not know what to wish except it be that you were safely out of the Army—I should like to have you as near me as possible, where I can see & care for you, but not knowing whether that would be for the best, I am perfectly unable to decide any thing on the subject, leaving it all to your own judgment.

Citation: William Pitt Fessenden (1806-1869), autograph letter signed to Francis Fessenden. Washington, D.C., 15 January 1864. AMs 527/8.4

January 12, 1864: Abraham Lincoln Writes on the Transcontinental Railroad

AMs 527-17_1


Executive Mansion,

Washington, January 12, 1864.

In pursuance of the eleventh section of the act of congress entitled “An Act to aid in the construction of a Railroad and Telegraph line from the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean, and to secure to the Government the use of the same for Postal, Military, and other purposes” Approved July 1, 1862, the point where the line of the Central Pacific Railroad crosses Arcade creek in the Sacramento valley is hereby fixed as the western base of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln

Jan 12th 1864

Fixing Base of Sierra Nevada Mountains at Arcade Creek


Citation:  Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), autograph document signed. Washington, D.C., 12 January 1864. AMs 527/17.1

January 11, 1864: Henry Warner Jr. to Henry and Mary Warner

Henry Warner Jr. was the younger brother of John Riddle Warner, the grandfather of the poet Marianne Moore.  Henry served in  Independent Battery G from August 1862 until June 1865. His letter to his parents, Henry and Mary Warner, is quoted in this letter from Henry and Mary to John Riddle Warner.

Moore VI-6-1 p1 Henry to Parents 1-15-64 Moore VI-6-1 p2 Henry to Parents 1-15-64 Moore VI-6-1 p3 Henry to Parents 1-15-64


We received a letter from Henry this morning, I think will quote from it—Date Jan 11/64 Fort Del

“I reported to Genl. Schoeff every thing quiet in my Depot, and likely to remain so, and on last Tuesday got orders, that in view of my report of all being quiet &c I would return with my guard to Fort Del. So I reported to the canal Superintend.’ that I was going to leave the next day—and he was very sorry and much astonished indeed—I asked him, if he could give me wagon transportation for my mens baggage, He said, “I will do that, any how Lieutenant, and as much better as I can” so sure enough the next day he went round and got all the private buggies and carriages the place would afford, and sent us all him in them—The citizens seemed as if they were almost ready to cry at our leaving—they called an informal meeting and passed resolutions of thanks &c—a copy of which I have—and showered invitations on me and my men to return and see them—The next day the Superintend.’ made application for our permanent return but without success, as Genl S refuses to spare us—It cost the Canal Co $215 oo/100 for board bill alone & probably 40 or 50$ more for Stove, coal, & lumber but still they would be willing to have kept us. Altogether it was a very pleasant trip.”

Citation: Henry and Mary Warner, autograph letter signed to John Riddle Warner.  Allegheny City [Pittsburgh],15 January 1864. Moore VI:06:01