January 11, 1864: Henry Warner Jr. to Henry and Mary Warner

Henry Warner Jr. was the younger brother of John Riddle Warner, the grandfather of the poet Marianne Moore.  Henry served in  Independent Battery G from August 1862 until June 1865. His letter to his parents, Henry and Mary Warner, is quoted in this letter from Henry and Mary to John Riddle Warner.

Moore VI-6-1 p1 Henry to Parents 1-15-64 Moore VI-6-1 p2 Henry to Parents 1-15-64 Moore VI-6-1 p3 Henry to Parents 1-15-64


We received a letter from Henry this morning, I think will quote from it—Date Jan 11/64 Fort Del

“I reported to Genl. Schoeff every thing quiet in my Depot, and likely to remain so, and on last Tuesday got orders, that in view of my report of all being quiet &c I would return with my guard to Fort Del. So I reported to the canal Superintend.’ that I was going to leave the next day—and he was very sorry and much astonished indeed—I asked him, if he could give me wagon transportation for my mens baggage, He said, “I will do that, any how Lieutenant, and as much better as I can” so sure enough the next day he went round and got all the private buggies and carriages the place would afford, and sent us all him in them—The citizens seemed as if they were almost ready to cry at our leaving—they called an informal meeting and passed resolutions of thanks &c—a copy of which I have—and showered invitations on me and my men to return and see them—The next day the Superintend.’ made application for our permanent return but without success, as Genl S refuses to spare us—It cost the Canal Co $215 oo/100 for board bill alone & probably 40 or 50$ more for Stove, coal, & lumber but still they would be willing to have kept us. Altogether it was a very pleasant trip.”

Citation: Henry and Mary Warner, autograph letter signed to John Riddle Warner.  Allegheny City [Pittsburgh],15 January 1864. Moore VI:06:01

2 Responses to “January 11, 1864: Henry Warner Jr. to Henry and Mary Warner”

  1. John says:


    thank you!…

  2. casey says:



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