March 27, 1861: Confederate Commisioners to Robert Toombs

During March and April 1861, after seven states had seceded and formed the Confederate States of America but before war broke out, Confederate Secretary of State Robert Toombs appointed Martin J. Crawford, John Forsyth, and A.B. Roman as Commissioners of the Confederate States to Washington, DC. Their purpose was to seek diplomatic recognition from the United States and negotiate peace—at least for a while. Central to the question of peace or war was whether the United States would continue to retain claim over federal forts located in the southern states that had seceded, including Fort Pickens in Florida and Fort Sumter in South Carolina. This item is transcribed from a letter book maintained by J.T. Pickett, secretary to the commissioners, containing copies of 72 letters, dispatches, and telegrams sent and received by the commissioners from the time of their appointment to the demand for the evacuation of Fort Sumter .

AMs 811-20 p203 Confederate Letter Book 3-27-1861 telegram edited2


Washington March 27th. 1861.


Hon R. Toombs.

It is believed here in Administration Circles that their Eight Million loan advertised for on second proximo will not be taken without specific assurances peace policy—Official orders from the War office directs Maj. Anderson to recruiting service Newport Ky.


Citation:Commissioners of the Confederate States of America to the Government of the United States, letter book.Washington, D.C., Feb 27-April 11, 1861. AMS 811/20

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