January 28, 1864: The World

World 1-28-64 copy

Transcript (excerpt):

Review of the Week.

The War.

The quiet which has prevailed all along the front has finally been broken in a degree in Tennessee and Virginia, although up to the date of this writing no news of important movements has been received.


On Saturday information was received from East Tennessee to the effect that Gen. Longstreet had been reinforced with 20,000 men and was advancing on Knoxville, pushing Gen. Granger’s forces before him. It was said that Morgan was about to move at the head of 5,000 cavalry to cut off communication between Knoxville and Chattanooga, or to make a raid into Kentucky. Later dispatches deny that Longstreet had made an advance. Rumors, however, of the activity of the rebels in East Tennessee prevail. A dispatch from Louisville, Ky., states that the city is filled with reports of an intended rebel raid into Kentucky, which is to be made simultaneously at three different points.


Recently Brigadier-General Graham, with three armed transports and a competent force, went up the James river, made a landing at a point known as the Brandon Farms, seven miles below Fort Powhatan, and captured twenty-two of the enemy – seven of the signal corps – and brought away ninety-nine negroes. They also destroyed twenty-four thousands pounds of pork and large quantities of oats and corn, and captured a sloop and schooner and two hundred and forty boxes of tobacco, and five Jews, preparing to run the blockade, and returned without the loss of a man.


Citation: The World (New York). New York, 28 January 1864. Gift of Steven and Susan Raab. AN .W927

7 Responses to “January 28, 1864: The World”

  1. Charles says:



  2. Daryl says:



  3. anthony says:


    ñïñ çà èíôó….

  4. Jacob says:



  5. ralph says:



  6. Manuel says:



  7. isaac says:



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